Red & White Meringues (makes 16-17)

Looking for a different take on the usual summer pav? Or do you want a quick and easy dessert option which looks unique and Christmassy?

Well look no further, TCFB has your back!

This recipe was made using left over eggs from my mum’s annual Sri Lankan Christmas Cake. It is best to make it on a day that isn’t too humid as moisture could affect how they turn out.

I thought I would add some red food colouring to mix it up a little and also added almond flavouring for something different, but you can add whatever flavour you like (peppermint is popular too).

Try it out yourself and let me know how you go!



  • 12 egg whites, kept at room temperature
  • 3 cups caster sugar
  • 1/2 Tsp salt
  • Red food colouring (or you could use green)
  • Almond essence (you could use any flavour you like)


1. Preheat oven to 120C (fan forced).

2. Spray trays with olive oil.

3. Place egg whites in a large bowl. Add salt and beat with an electric mixer until “soft peaks” form (about 4-5 minutes).

4. Add half a cup of caster sugar then beat incorporate it into the egg white mixture.

5. Repeat step 4 until all the caster sugar is mixed in and “stiff peaks” form.

6. Add a bit of red food colouring and gently swirl it into the mixture (do not mix).

7. Dollop onto trays in large mounds.


8. Bake in oven for about 50-60 minutes.


9. Open oven door but leave the trays in there while the meringues cool.


Brandy Chocolate Truffles (makes about 24)

An easy and festive Christmas treat, these brandy truffles are super neat!

Try your hand at making them and let me know what you think. I think they are great as a post-dinner dessert or just for a little snack with a mug of eggnog.


  • 230 grams chocolate, chopped roughly
  • 1/2 cup thickened cream
  • 2 Tbsp butter
  • 2 tablespoons brandy
  • Cocoa powder
  • Dessicated coconut


1. Line two baking trays with baking paper.

2. Place chocolate in a medium sized bowl.

3. Heat thickened cream over the stove on medium and bring just to the boil.

4. Pour hot cream over the chocolate and stir until mixed in and all chocolate pieces are melted.


5. Add butter and stir again until mixed in.


6. Add liqueur and stir.

7. Refrigerate for 4-6 hours or preferably, overnight.

8. Use a melon baller to get even sized scoops of chocolate and roll into round balls.

9. Coat in cocoa powder and/or coconut.  You can also use crushed and toasted nuts, hundred and thousands, or chocolate swirls (Flake works well).


10. Cover and place in the fridge until firm.


11. Serve at room temperature.

White Christmas Crackles (makes 36)

This is the perfect Christmas treat as it has a bit of crunch, a bit of squishy marshmallow, sweet glace cherries and creamy chocolate.

It is super easy to make and looks amazing.

Add whatever nuts, sweets or biscuits you like to customise this fun dish!



  • 3 cups rice bubbles
  • 250gr copha, melted in microwave
  • 250gr white chocolate melts (I used Cadbury)
  • 1 cup dessicated coconut
  • 3/4 cup mini marshmallows
  • 1/4 cup dried cranberries/craisins
  • The red and green glace cherries from a 100gr packet, roughly chopped
  • 1 cup icing sugar
  • 10 plain biscuits, crushed (I used Scotch Fingers)


1.Line muffin or cupcake trays with patty pans.


2. Add chocolate melts to melted copha and stir until chocolate has melted and both ingredients are mixed in.


3.Add icing sugar and mix in, working it in with the spoon or spatula until all the chunks are smoothed out.

4. In a separate (large) bowl, add rice bubbles, coconut, glace cherries, marshmallows, cranberries and crushed biscuits.


5. Pour the white chocolate and copha mixture over the rice bubble mixture and mix thoroughly.


6. Spoon the mixture into cupcake tins.


7. Allow to set, then enjoy!