Meatballs (makes about 18)

These meatballs are perfect as an appetiser, with spaghetti or pasta, served with couscous, shaped into koftas, or even just on their own with a salad.

They are fast and simple to make and taste delicious. Try them out for yourself!



  • 500g mince meat
  • 1 Tbsp Montreal steak spice (or substitute with any seasoning of your preference e.g. cajun)
  • 1 Tsp mixed herbs
  • 3 Tsp breadcrumbs
  • 2 cloves of garlic, chopped
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to season


1. Defrost mince meat and put into a mixing bowl.


2. Add Montreal steak spice, herbs, breadcrumbs, salt and pepper and garlic to the bowl.


3. Mix together by kneading with your hands until the spices are evenly incorporated into the meat.

4. Shape tablespoon-sized amounts of the meat into round balls.


5. Heat the oil in a pan on high and add meatballs. Cook for about 10-15minutes until golden brown on the outside and cooked through on the inside.

6. Remove meatballs from pan and drain on paper towels.