Karen’s Historic Walks- Ghost Tour of Manly

Website: http://www.karens.com.au

Email: info@karens.com.au

Tel: 0404 338 652

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Karen runs day tours, night tours, history tours, ghost tours, halloween tours, and educational tours of the Manly area.

Being a bit of a “scaredy cat”, I for some reason, thought it would be interesting to try the Ghost Tour. We had booked tickets for the tour a few weeks ago but had to post-pone as something came up. Karen was lovely and was fine with us changing our booking to another night.   

We received an email from Karen a few days prior to the tour, advising us of the time and meeting point. We got there a little early and joined the others who were waiting near the creepy-looking St Andrew’s Church on Raglan Street.

Karen arrived, dressed in a blue cape, with long black gloves on. She had black lipstick and theatrical, spooky makeup! Very scary!

We began the tour with a walk down a small, dark side street. I was very scared at this point and stayed close to my tour companion, and in the middle of the group! Over the duration of the tour we visited a number of sites where there had been ghost sightings, deaths, murders, and even poltergeist activity

Although I was quite frightened during parts of the tour, being in a large group meant that I wasn’t so afraid that I ended up running away in tears! I’m sure that on a darker night or with less people around I would have been terrified.

Karen’s tours aren’t just about walking around Manly and hearing ghost stories. The thing I liked most about them was that they actually contained historical facts, that Karen had researched and investigated herself, which gave the stories some truth. For example, eye witness accounts, stories which were published in newspapers and historical records of convicts and prisoners. It was an interesting night and we had a great time.

Karen informed us that she holds a Halloween Tour as well, which I think would be particularly spooooky with everyone all dressed up. If you’re interested in one of her tours, whether it be a ghost tour or a history tour, please contact her using the email or phone number above.

To see what we did after the tour click here.