Butternut Pumpkin & Zucchini Quiche (serves 8)

My brother is a fussy eater at the best of times. When he was younger he only ate things that were bland and unhealthy. Things with barely any flavour and certainly no spice. Things like pies, chips, and pizza. He would occasionally eat carrots, peas and corn, but no lettuce, no tomato and no onion.

He is now almost 18 years old and I am glad to say his eating habits have changed. He recently had a bit of a protein (for working out) and healthy food craze and has opened his mind to the wonders of vegetables and spicy food. He even eats my mum’s Sri Lankan curries now and then and can make a coconut (pol) roti on his own!

I decided to make a semi-healthy, high vegetable quiche for dinner to be accompanied with a side of salad. This recipe made one large quiche and about 6 smaller muffin-tray ones. I made sure to add plenty of cheese so my bro would be happy.


  • 2 sheets puff pastry
  • 8 eggs
  • 1/3 butternut pumpkin
  • 2 zucchinis
  • 1 cup low-fat tasty cheese
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1 Tsp minced garlic
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1/3 cup milk
  • Salt and pepper


1. Push a sheet of puff pastry into a greased quiche dish. Cut out circles using a cutter and press into greased muffin tins. Bake at 200C for about 10-15minutes or until lightly browned.





2.Thinly slice onion and cook together with garlic and olive oil in a small pan. Once golden and opaque, sprinkle onion mixture over the puff pastry.


3. Use a peeler to shave the butternut pumpkin into thick ribbons. Then add to the puff pastry.


4. Use a grater to grate zucchini and spread evenly over the pastry.


5. Grate cheese and sprinkle on top of quiche.


6. In a large bowl, whisk eggs, milk, salt and pepper until well combined. Pour over the quiche and bake in a 160C oven for about 25 minutes or until the cheese is golden and the egg has set.


Enjoy with a side of salad.

Guest Review: Landmark Hotel, Eastwood

Address: 20 West Parade, Eastwood NSW

Tel: (02) 9858 4497

* * *

My trusty junk food reviewers, Sim and Mike are back again with a review of the burger and fries at Landmark Hotel, Eastwood.


It has beef, streaky bacon, fried onions, mustard, mayonnaise, BBQ sauce and a pickle.


Check out that cheese and bacony goodness! This is definitely not one for those on a diet!

The guys made a YouTube video review which you can find here.

Overall they rated the meal 9/10 but apparently they “don’t have very high standards” so you may wish to try it out for yourself and see what you think!


This review is a guest review and reflects the reviewers’ own personal opinions on the product. The Casual Food Blogger accepts no responsibility for anything that is said in this review or anything contained in, or arising out of the videos or photos contained in or referred to in this review. 

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