Noodlebox, Parramatta ($)

Address: Level 1, Westfield Parramatta, Food Court, Parramatta, NSW

Tel: (02) 9687 0116

* * *


Noodlebox is conveniently located in Westfield Parramatta. It is close to Event Cinemas and Max Brenner, making it easy to get to, and the shopping centre’s 3 hours free parking is an added advantage.

Unfortunately on a Saturday night, despite the movies being packed, Noodlebox was pretty dull. Most people were probably at one of Church Street’s busy restaurants or at the Parramatta Eels game which was being played nearby.



Service wasn’t great. In fact we barely had any service. The waiter came, took our order, delivered it and we paid at the counter. That’s it really.


I ordered my favourite, Cashew Chicken with steamed rice. This dish was tasty, hot, slightly sweet from the sweet chilli sauce and baby corn, and a little spicy. The cashews were crunchy and roasted, the chicken well-cooked, and the veggies crunchy. One of the better Cashew Chickens I have had.


MC ordered the Beef Pad Thai. There was plenty of browned beef and crunchy bean sprouts. The noodles were tasty and slightly charred (just the way I like it), an the beans, onions and nuts added some crunchy to the soft noodles. Delicious.


Overall, a pretty good meal for two for only $25! Great value and good, hot food.


Overall both our meals cost $25.00 all up.


I would rate my experience (out of 10):

  • Service-3
  • Food-7.5
  • Ambience-4
  • Value –8

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